Injured in a Car Accident?
Give us a call, we can help
If you've been injured in an accident and would like to know more about your healthcare options, give us a call.
We can work directly with your attorney or if you need help finding legal representation, we can help with that as well.
Under Florida law, you are eligible to receive medical benefits
In order to be eligible to receive those benefits, you must seek out medical treatment within 14 days of the accident taking place. No matter who caused the accident, you are able to get this medical coverage through your car insurance company. If you were not the cause of the collision, your auto insurance company cannot raise your policy rate for receiving medical care for your injuries.
We Provide Safe & Effective Treatment
Chiropractic is a safe, effective, and natural approach to managing pain and other health related issues. We help treat the injuries that may not have shown up right away due to adrenaline. In addition to reducing pain, we also address reducing inflammation, and scar tissue in the body.
Your Health and Recovery Is Our Top Priority!!!

"Medicine is the study of disease and what causes man to die. Chiropractic is the study of health and what causes man to live."
-BJ Palmer

Understanding the Chiropractic Philosphy
Chiropractic care seeks to restore normal physiologic function and therby help to improve the health of the individual. Counseling patients in areas such as nutrition, proper exercise and diet, lifestyle changes and general health matters, demonstrates our concern about the "whole person." Chiropractic adjustments attempt to restore proper spinal motion, and in doing so, directly influence spinal-related disorders. This does not imply that there is never a sound need for drugs or surgery. However, with increased knowledge has also come a greater appreciation for natural, conservative methods as viable alternatives for the various ailments plaguing the human body.
Chiropractic Techniques Performed
- Diversified
- Thompson
- Activator Methods
- Flexion/Distraction
- Graston

At Signature Touch Chiropractic, our mission is to provide pain relief with a holistic approach. Each personalized care plan will cater to the individual coming in for treatment to address the root cause of their symptoms. We intend to promote the well being of all patients while helping each one achieve and maintain the highest quality of life.